Springtime is upon us and pest are becoming active, especially Goddard spiders. There are thousands of spider species in existence and we have our share here. Western Lance Spiders, Northern, Southern and Western Black Widows, Texas Brown Tarantulas, Brown Recluse Spiders, Dotted Wolf Spiders and many others make their homes in Goddard.  Details of Brown Recluse and Black Widow Spiders can be found in previous blogs, but it all boils down to spiders are harmful and dangerous.
Thousands of people are treated in our emergency rooms every year due to spider bites. Most spiders will bite if disturbed or surprised. Small children and pets are especially vulnerable as they crawl on the floor, under furniture and don’t know to watch for spiders.
The female will produce her eggs, which are contained in silky sacs in the spring. The spiderlings hatch after about a month. Depending on the species of spider, spiders take different amounts of time to mature, with some reaching adulthood in as little as two weeks. A spider infestation doesn’t take long to become overwhelming. All Star Pest Control will lay out sticky traps and rid your home of webs. We use family and pet safe treatments to make sure your home is spider free. Keep your family safe from spiders and other disgusting pests with a call to us today! 316-854-3096