Wichita pest control

Itching to be Flea Free?

 Fleas are small, reddish-brown, wingless insects with flattened broad spines and oval bodies covered with a tough shell bearing many bristles. Fleas survive on the blood of humans, birds or animals. They are ravenous blood-suckers, consuming up to 15 times their body weight in blood per day!     Fleas are the most common cause of skin disease in dogs and cats. Fleas can bite 400 times a day. When a flea bites, it injects saliva into your pets skin. This triggers an allergic…

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Is the Enemy Sleeping with You?

   Our beds are not just places to rest our bodies for the hustle and bustle of our busy daytime responsibilities. Our beds are so much more! They are a comforting place when we are ill, the playground for games with our children or pets and sometimes our office. We enjoy the comfort of our beds for cuddling, watching movies, or relaxing with a good book. A lot of life happens in the safe space our beds provide us.  …

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Top of Your Christmas List

If you’re like us, the lists around Christmas time pile up around Wichita. Lists of what the kids want for Christmas, lists of the things you need to get done around the house, lists of how to make your business end the year on a high note, the lists go on and on! All of these list can be over whelming, but at the top of all of your lists should be the health of your loved ones, yourself  and…

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Why You Need Preventative Treatment

When it comes to Wichita and pests, no one knows about both better than All Star Pest Control! When the weather cools down, one of two things happen depending on the area you live in – the pests come out to play and swarm you, or you stop seeing pests for the first time in months. Either way, you need a visit from All Star Pest Control to your Wichita home or business. If pests are swarming, it means you…

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Fall Pests are Coming Your Way

As seasons change, so do the pests swarming around your home. If you see any pests, be sure to give Wichita’s premier pest control company a call to send them on their way. In the meantime, keep your eyes on the lookout for the following five pests that are headed your way this fall: Cockroaches – Nobody likes cockroaches and trying to get rid of them almost seems like a trivial pursuit with how resilient they are. Home remedies usually…

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Watch Your Garden Beds

While most people pay attention to the pests inside of their Wichita home, are you paying attention to the ones right outside? Pests outside often make their way inside, so it’s important to keep your surrounding areas clear too! Pests particularly like to hide in garden beds. Mulch often is a nice warm home, flowers are delicious, and there’s plenty of shade and dirt to build their homes in. You could have an underground nest thriving and going unnoticed only…

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