Why You Need Preventative Treatment

When it comes to Wichita and pests, no one knows about both better than All Star Pest Control! When the weather cools down, one of two things happen depending on the area you live in – the pests come out to play and swarm you, or you stop seeing pests for the first time in months. Either way, you need a visit from All Star Pest Control to your Wichita home or business. If pests are swarming, it means you…

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All Star Pest Control Services

Are you aware of the different pests we perform services for? All Star Pest Control can rid your home or business of termites, bedbugs, spiders, mice, crickets, ants, cockroaches, hornets and wasps. There are countless species and sub-species of insects and vermin here in Wichita. If you have pests sneaking around that you aren’t sure what they are, we can also do diagnostic services to help figure out how to keep your home pest free. Our professionals can determine exactly…

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Mouse in the House

A mouse in the house might cause yuck in a cup! It’s not fun to share your home with pests that can bring in bacteria, germs, and diseases, not to mention the mess they make along the way! As weather changes, pests try to make their way into your homes, cupboards, wardrobes, crawl spaces, toy chests, and so many more places you don’t want to think about! Mice, ants, spiders, and so many more creepy crawlers will be coming into…

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Wichita House Updates Lead to Pests

Wichita House Updates Lead to Pests Are your house repairs stirring up pests and disrupting their homes? You’re not alone! As people have been quarantining and self isolating, house projects have been going through the roof! Unfortunately, pests like to hide in the areas of our house we’re most likely to renovate – bathrooms, kitchens, forgotten bedrooms. When their homes are disrupted, they go throughout yours trying to find a new one! So if you are starting projects or just…

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Enjoy Summer Without the Pests

Even though summer is starting off on a different foot than anticipated, we still need to find ways to enjoy it! However, you still need to prevent pests while enjoying summer. Here are 5 ways to enjoy your summer and prevent pests: We all like having fresh air, especially at night! If you open doors and windows, make sure you invest in screens! These make it harder for larger pests to join you indoors but still allow you to have…

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Doing Yard Work? You Might Need Us!

While we’re all spending time at home, many of us are doing home improvement projects inside and out! If you’re working on your yard, you might be disrupting a variety of pests’ nests. When a pests’ nest is disrupted, they start looking for a new home. Sometimes they’ll make a new home outside, but many times pests head straight indoors to make a home somewhere that won’t be disrupted. If you are planning on doing yard work or home renovations,…

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We say humbug to bed bugs!

We say humbug to bed bugs! Bed bugs sure love Christmas! Since it’s cold outside, bed bugs like to make their way into your homes and into your beds. This means you might be waking up with some itchy red spots that we’re sure you’d much rather live without! In order to keep the bed bugs away this Christmas season, make sure you wash your clothes every time you get home from traveling! This includes the clothes that never left…

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Multi-Colored Asian Lady Beetle

With the summer month coming here in Wichita, Kansas our little Lady Beetle friends start to come out. They are about 7mm long and tend to have a wide spectrum of colors. The colors range from yellow to orange to red. They have a varying number of spots as well. There are many species of Coccinellidae in the U.S. Most of them are beneficial insects. They are used to control crop pests. The adults and larvae of the Lady Beetle…

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Springtails Extermination

With the days starting to get warmer here in Wichita, Kansas we know what is coming out, the Springtails. Springtails are tiny insects that range in size from 0.25 to 6mm. They received their unique name from a spring-loaded structure called the furcula. This is located on the underside of their abdomen. The furcula is released causing the insects to be flung into the air. When hearing the word springtail for the first time, some people might be surprised to…

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Bald-Faced Hornets Vs. Yellow Jackets

When it comes to identifying pests, there can be some complications with getting the correct name to the face of the pest. This is especially difficult when it comes to Bald-Faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets. They look so similar and at times are difficult to tell the difference between them. To make sure you understand the difference between these two pests we are going to explain their appearance, behavior, diet, and even their habits. This way you can have a…

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