With spring approaching faster than we would like to admit it’s time to start preparing for some spring pests. One of the most common pests are box elders bugs. Box elder bugs are black in color and are marked with red lines along their thorax and sides. Their wings are flat and red, and they measure between 11 to 14 mm long.

Box elder bugs do not nest indoors year-round. They make their homes in box elder, maple, and ash trees during the warmer seasons. However, they do migrate into buildings and homes during the winter months to find shelter. They enter through small crack and crevices within the building. They remain inside the building hibernating through fall and winter. They emerge when heat sources within the building are high and can be located in the warmest areas of a structure’s walls. However, they do not cause damage to buildings but their droppings can leave stains on furniture and linens.

Box elder bugs are like many overwintering pests when it comes to infestation. The main sign that they have infested is by seeing staggering numbers of them. In the fall months they usually appear on sunny sides of buildings. A good thing about box elder bugs is during the winter months they do not feed or reproduce.

In many cases the way to stop box elder bugs from multiplying is to remove their host trees from the area surrounding your home. A helpful note is if you decide to plant a box elder tree in your yard choose a male tree (non-seed-bearing). The reason is because female box elder trees are more susceptible to infestation.

Box elder bugs become a pest nuisance when they congregate on the exterior of building and eventually find a way inside. Your friends’ at All Star Pest control can help you solve the problem. Our trained professionals have the right techniques to make sure your home does not become infested. Some cases may need chemical treatments in order to eliminate the infestation problem. Don’t stress, All Star Pest Control has you covered.