Wichita House Updates Lead to Pests

Wichita House Updates Lead to Pests Are your house repairs stirring up pests and disrupting their homes? You’re not alone! As people have been quarantining and self isolating, house projects have been going through the roof! Unfortunately, pests like to hide in the areas of our house we’re most likely to renovate – bathrooms, kitchens, forgotten bedrooms. When their homes are disrupted, they go throughout yours trying to find a new one! So if you are starting projects or just…

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Enjoy Summer Without the Pests

Even though summer is starting off on a different foot than anticipated, we still need to find ways to enjoy it! However, you still need to prevent pests while enjoying summer. Here are 5 ways to enjoy your summer and prevent pests: We all like having fresh air, especially at night! If you open doors and windows, make sure you invest in screens! These make it harder for larger pests to join you indoors but still allow you to have…

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Be Happy and Healthy With All Star Pest Control

In a world so focused on the sadness and sickness, it’s important to find ways to be happy and healthy! With how much time we’re spending at home, it’s important to find happiness and health within those walls! All Star Pest Control wants to help you with this goal. Pests can cause all sorts of health issues, so you should avoid letting them into your home at all costs! All Star Pest Control can help you in these endeavors. We…

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Keep Creepy Crawlers Away From Your Crawlers

As children and grandchildren learn to crawl and walk, it’s one of the most incredible moments in a parent or grandparent’s life. As kids are learning though, they tend to spend a lot of time on the ground as they try to catch their footing. It would be awful as they’re playing and learning if pests made their way into your baby or toddler’s path. Pests carry all kinds of germs, bacteria, allergens, and who knows what else with them.…

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Time Inside May Require Pest Control

As we increase our time at home and inside during COVID, it’s important to make sure our home is safe and healthy. This includes watching your pest issues! Spiders, ants, and mice are all headed in doors. That’s where their food and comfort is, just like you! Don’t share your home with anyone other than your immediate family. All Star Pest Control can assess your home’s specific needs. We will address every possible opening to make sure pests know they…

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Doing Yard Work? You Might Need Us!

While we’re all spending time at home, many of us are doing home improvement projects inside and out! If you’re working on your yard, you might be disrupting a variety of pests’ nests. When a pests’ nest is disrupted, they start looking for a new home. Sometimes they’ll make a new home outside, but many times pests head straight indoors to make a home somewhere that won’t be disrupted. If you are planning on doing yard work or home renovations,…

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Stay Healthy Out There

With everything going on in the world today, people are focused on health. While All Star Pest Control can’t eradicate viruses, we are able to eradicate your home of pests. If you are wanting to keep your home free of pests between our visits, follow these five steps: Don’t have any standing water. This attracts a variety of pests and is a breeding ground for pests, sickness, and bacteria. Don’t keep organic material too close to the house. Whether it’s…

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Can Your Garden Affect Your Home?

Can Your Garden Affect Your Home? In short, absolutely! If you have flowers or plants of other kinds around your home, you also have pests hanging around. Depending on the plants you have, there is quite a bit of maintenance you need to do either in the fall as everything dies or in the spring as plants are trying to come back through the mess. When we say mess we are referring to the dead parts of perennials that have…

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Change in Seasons can cause a Change in House Guests

False spring and true spring can bring much needed Vitamin D into your life! Unfortunately, they also bring unwanted pests back as well. As the weather warms up, many pests start to breed and look for a more suitable home where they can easily find food and stay safe. While we fully encourage people being hospitable hosts, we consider pests to be the exception! Your home should be for you and your loved ones all year round. Give All Star…

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The “Lovebug” vs Real Bugs

In February, people are focused on love and often think catching the “lovebug” is all they need! While we completely support catching the “lovebug” around Valentine’s Day and throughout the year, that’s the only bug we support being in your life! Bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders, ants – none of these bugs should be in your home! “Lovebugs” don’t wreak havoc on your health and your home (hopefully), unlike the bugs that All Star Pest Control wants to rid your home of.…

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