Fall Pests are Coming Your Way

As seasons change, so do the pests swarming around your home. If you see any pests, be sure to give Wichita’s premier pest control company a call to send them on their way. In the meantime, keep your eyes on the lookout for the following five pests that are headed your way this fall: Cockroaches – Nobody likes cockroaches and trying to get rid of them almost seems like a trivial pursuit with how resilient they are. Home remedies usually…

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Watch Your Garden Beds

While most people pay attention to the pests inside of their Wichita home, are you paying attention to the ones right outside? Pests outside often make their way inside, so it’s important to keep your surrounding areas clear too! Pests particularly like to hide in garden beds. Mulch often is a nice warm home, flowers are delicious, and there’s plenty of shade and dirt to build their homes in. You could have an underground nest thriving and going unnoticed only…

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All Star Pest Control Services

Are you aware of the different pests we perform services for? All Star Pest Control can rid your home or business of termites, bedbugs, spiders, mice, crickets, ants, cockroaches, hornets and wasps. There are countless species and sub-species of insects and vermin here in Wichita. If you have pests sneaking around that you aren’t sure what they are, we can also do diagnostic services to help figure out how to keep your home pest free. Our professionals can determine exactly…

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Weeds and Pests

Trying to keep pests away from your Wichita home is a full time job, with more aspects than you might think. Even if you think you have pests under control, you could have an infestation just waiting to take over your indoor and outdoor spaces. There are different factors that might be leading pests straight towards your home, including standing water and the state of your yard. Pests love to hang around weeds, overgrown plants, and open patches of dirt.…

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Allergies, Pests, and You

Allergies are extremely miserable. Are your allergies going crazy this year? You aren’t the only one! Millions of people suffer from seasonal and pollutant enhanced allergies every year, and they can sure make life difficult. While we can’t control the heat, pollen or the dry weather in Wichita, there are a few things we can do to help ease the sneezes a bit. Pests entering your Wichita home can increase or cause your allergic reactions. Pests climb through plants, dirt,…

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Ways to Keep Your Home Pest Free

While we all know the best way to keep your Wichita home pest free is by having regularly scheduled services by All Star Pest Control, there are a few things you can do in the meantime to keep the pests away in between services.  1 . Keep floors vacuumed and picked up. While this might seem simple, it can have a big impact. My vacuuming and picking up regularly, you disrupt any places that pests might try to make their…

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Ants in Wichita

While there are approximately 10,000 species of ants, All Star Pest Control knows how to handle the species in your Wichita home or business. Identifying the specific species of ant in your home will help us to know how they think and how best to remove them. You might be noticing ants more now that the heat is picking up and juicy fruit is dripping on the floor. Some ants make their home inside of yours while others come into…

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Baby It’s Cold Outside, And The Spiders Are Coming In

As the weather gets colder, spiders are looking for a nice warm place to make their home. October is known as spider season throughout the pest control community because a majority of the services we perform this time of year are for spider removal and prevention. We want you to be able to join in the joys of removing all spiderwebs from your home so the only resemblances of spiders around your home are the Halloween decorations you’ve pulled down…

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Lions, Tigers, and Bears? Better Than Spiders!

What would you do if you were walking in the woods and came upon this giant spider web? Local Missouri Department of Conservation media specialist Francis Skalicky came upon it and the world has been going wild since! Now we hope something like that never happens to you! But if you do find yourself with a spiderweb in your home, don’t be afraid to give All Star Pest Control a call! We want to rid your home of any spiders…

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Fall Special

Everyone thinks about mice when it comes to pest control services because they do the most damage that we can see with a quick glance and they send your mom to the top of the kitchen counter screaming! But what a lot of people don’t realize is that fall is actually spider season! Spiders love making their way indoors during the cooler weather but because of how small and discreet they are, people sometimes don’t notice them until a nest…

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