Are Brown Recluse Spiders Dangerous?

     Are brown recluse spiders dangerous? The short answer, absolutely! A brown recluse spider bite can often need medical attention. The necrotic venom the spider carries puts them in the list of 3 Wichita spiders you should seek a doctors care for, the other 2 being the black widow and chilean recluse. The poison transmitted in the bite can cause skin necrosis (skin cell death) resulting in ugly scar tissue. The venom spreads quickly after a bite and can…

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Jumping Spiders in Kansas

Spiders are scary as it is, let alone when they have the ability to jump! Here in Kansas we have such a spider. Phidippus audax is a jumping spider and very common. It is referred to as the bold jumping spider or bold jumper. Like other jumping spiders, they are relatively large in size and have large forward-facing eyes. These eyes give them excellent vision which helps in stalking prey and enhances visual communication when trying to court a mate.…

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Springtime Swarmers

For most of us, when spring comes around we think of blooming flowers and longer days. When you are a pest control professional, spring marks the start of a busy season. We are gearing up to help you with all your springtime needs. This time of year pests are coming out of their winter hiding spots, mating and finding their way into our homes. One of the most costly and destructive of these invaders are termites.     Termites usually…

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Velvet Ants in Kansas

   There are several species of velvet ants in Kansas that range from 1/2 inch to 1 inch in length. The males have blue-black wings and are usually found in sandy areas, flying low, in search of a mate. The females however are large, fuzzy looking, red insects that look like ants, but are not ants at all, but wingless wasps! The largest species in Kansas (Dasymutilla Accidentalis) is sometimes called a “Cow-Killer” because of the powerful sting of the female.     Adults…

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Itching to be Flea Free?

 Fleas are small, reddish-brown, wingless insects with flattened broad spines and oval bodies covered with a tough shell bearing many bristles. Fleas survive on the blood of humans, birds or animals. They are ravenous blood-suckers, consuming up to 15 times their body weight in blood per day!     Fleas are the most common cause of skin disease in dogs and cats. Fleas can bite 400 times a day. When a flea bites, it injects saliva into your pets skin. This triggers an allergic…

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Is the Enemy Sleeping with You?

   Our beds are not just places to rest our bodies for the hustle and bustle of our busy daytime responsibilities. Our beds are so much more! They are a comforting place when we are ill, the playground for games with our children or pets and sometimes our office. We enjoy the comfort of our beds for cuddling, watching movies, or relaxing with a good book. A lot of life happens in the safe space our beds provide us.  …

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family, pets, pest control

Protect your Family and Pets

     Here in Kansas we have around 100 species of flying, stinging insects. The most common include Wasps, Yellow Jackets, and Baldfaced Hornets. These insects can be beneficial for pollination and reduction of populations of other pests. This does not change the fact that their search for food can make them a danger for your family and pets. In our area, homeowners and renters alike need to be aware of these colonies increasing their populations.     Wasps, Yellow…

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How Dangerous are Black Widow Spiders?

     Black widows are the most venomous spiders in North America. Their venom is about 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom. They use a chemical called alpha-latrotoxin which overwhelms the nerve cells and causes intense pain. This causes human nerve cells to dump all it’s signaling chemicals at once! The bite can then begin the onset of swelling, severe cramping, sweating and chills. Female widow spiders have unusually large venom glands and their bite can be particularly harmful. Black…

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Tiny Home Invaders

Why do ants come into your home? Ants usually come indoors in search of a warm nesting spot or a food source. Heavy rains can also flood their homes and they will often take shelter in the closest safe place possible, your kitchen. There are billions upon billions of ants on earth, and if you have an infestation it can feel like a good portion of that number are under your roof. Even the smallest amount of nourishment can attract…

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Termite Damage - All Star Pest Control

The Terror of Termites

How much damage can termites really cause? Termites damage over 600,000 homes in the U.S. every year, costing home owners 5 Billion dollars annually for repairs. Termite damage is rarely covered in home owner insurance policies so this bill could be coming straight out of your pocket. Termites can live undetected for years in colonies growing into the millions. They can live in your homes wooden surfaces, furniture or even underground. Termite species cannot be controlled with DIY measures and…

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