No Boarding Pass Needed for Bed Bugs

   With “bed” right in their name, we tend to think that bed bugs only live in our mattresses. This is not the case. Bed bugs are extensive travelers. They can get picked up and transported anywhere. These tiny pests can even hitch a ride on luggage or even on a human host, and get right on a plane. Planes aren’t the only place bed bugs end up. It has become very common to find these disgusting blood suckers in…

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Thief Ants in Wichita

 Thief ants are unfortunately found here in the Wichita area. Thief ants possess small stingers on their oblong shaped abdomens. They have two-segmented petiole connecting their thorax to their abdomens. These pests range anywhere between 0.5 mm and 3 mm long. The queens measure just over 5mm and appear to be yellow to light brown in color. Workers are mostly yellow in color but can rarely take on a pale brown hue.     Thief ants get their names from…

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Silverfish in Wichita!

    Silverfish are disgusting creepy crawlies that usually have brown bodies that can grow to be about 3/4 of an inch in length with antennae that stretches as long as their bodies. The body is covered with silvery, metallic looking scales. This characteristic gives them a fish-like shimmering look. That and how they move, wriggling like a fish would while swimming, is how these pest get their name. Also silverfish do not have wings but they can more very quickly.…

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Spiders Can Dream?

  At one point in time or another, almost all of us have had a dream in which our spider friends have made an appearance. But, in your wildest dreams have you considered that spiders may be able to dream also? Me either, but now it seems that this might be the case.          Humans dream in the phase of our sleep cycles known as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. A team from universities in Italy, Germany and…

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Pest Control Is a Team Effort

     Some people are amazed by bugs, but most of us are just creeped out by them. No matter your personal opinion on pests, we all agree they should not be in our homes, spreading disease to our family and pets. If you are in the Wichita area, you are fortunate enough to have the amazing professionals at All Star Pest Control to keep those nasty critters out of your home. Our thorough, routine treatments are obviously the most…

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Pests Are Moving In

     That evening nip is starting to appear in the air, letting us know fall is coming. As the temperature starts to dip, disgusting pests start searching for a sustainable food source and warmth. The survival needs they crave are supplied by moving into your home. Your home is exactly the place they see as the perfect place to thrive. If they successfully make their entry, they can lie hidden all winter and make a huge infestation problem for…

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Ants Are Still Here

    Sometimes people think that ants just go away after summertime is over. This is not true. Sure, ants are more active in the warmer months, but can still be a nuisance all year round, especially if they have discovered a place in your walls or under your floors for the colony to stay out of colder temps. If those ants are the common carpenter ants, then you really could have a problem getting bigger in your home. Carpenter…

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Armyworms are Marching to Wichita

    Wichita homeowners have a new battle that hasn’t been seen here since the early 2000’s. Armyworms are ravenous little critters that usually stay to the south of us, but this year they have traveled north to feast, on our lawns! Armyworms are actually not worms at all, but moth larvae. These pests like to burrow about an inch into the ground to pupate. This stage in their life cycle can last about a month and they will get…

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There’s a Mouse in the House!

   Mice are cute and furry, is there much harm in having them in your home? Absolutely! Unless your mouse is a stuffed Mickey you got from Disneyland, you don’t want it in your home or on your property. Mice are extremely dangerous to humans and pets. They can transmit dozens of diseases directly to humans and pets that come in contact with them, their urine, feces or saliva. They can also spread diseases indirectly through mites or fleas that…

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Pool Lovers Beware!

 In the summer heat, a backyard pool is a great way to beat the heat, but you aren’t the only one attracted to the cooling comfort of the water. Here in Wichita we have a scary looking pest with an awful personality trait. I am talking about the Giant Water Bug. This disgusting looking critter has been nicknamed ‘toe-biter’, and for good reason. It is called this because barefoot swimmers and those who walk in shallow waters, can get a…

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