Beware the Bite

Temperatures are rising in Wichita, and the snow is melting which is leaving puddles everywhere you look. Unfortunately, all this excess water is not going unnoticed by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love this time of year and the extra water and warmer temperatures have them in the mood to breed. Eggs are laid on the surface of stagnant water, even a capful will do, and they hatch into larvae that feed on aquatic algae and organic material. What is not eaten by…

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Enjoy Your Yardwork

With temperatures warming up in Wichita, it’s almost time to start getting the yard ready for summer. All the melting snow will have your yard growing like crazy as it does this time of year. That means, yardwork. Getting the grass mowed and the flowers planted is relaxing for some of us, a chore for others, but whichever you are, we can all agree on one thing. Pests are not welcome in our work space. While clipping and weeding away…

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Spiders in Your Goddard Home?

Springtime is upon us and pest are becoming active, especially Goddard spiders. There are thousands of spider species in existence and we have our share here. Western Lance Spiders, Northern, Southern and Western Black Widows, Texas Brown Tarantulas, Brown Recluse Spiders, Dotted Wolf Spiders and many others make their homes in Goddard.  Details of Brown Recluse and Black Widow Spiders can be found in previous blogs, but it all boils down to spiders are harmful and dangerous. Thousands of people…

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It’s Swarming Season

Spring is knocking at the door and everything in nature is waking up from a long winters nap, including pests. March is a beautiful time of longer, warmer days, immersing flowers and unfortunately swarms of termites. Warmer weather sparks the termites desire to spread their wings and fly, (before they shed them) in search of a new mate, a reliable food source, water and a new home to breed a colony. Guess where they want to settle down? That’s right,…

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Chinch Bugs Want to Eat Your Lawn!

Chinch bugs are a common pest in Wichita, Kansas that cause significant damage to lawns and gardens. These pests feed on the sap of grasses and can quickly infest a lawn, causing yellow patches that can eventually lead to your grass dying. What signs should you look for with a chinch bug infestation, what damage can they cause, and how can you get them under control? The first sign of a chinch bug infestation is yellow lawn patches. These patches…

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El Dorado Mice, Not Welcome!

    Sometimes we think of mice as cute little critters, but in reality they can be very dangerous. Mouse feces and urine can cause severe health issues for humans. They also carry diseases and vermin on their bodies and can pass them along to you. If you surprise one and get bit, you can also end up with rabies. They will also destroy our food sources, the structure of our homes and even our appliances. An infestation of mice…

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Bellevue, Kansas Crickets

    The sound of chirping crickets can be soothing or annoying depending on your personal point of view, or the circumstances. While you are camping or sitting by a fire pit, the sound can be soothing, while you are in bed trying to sleep for an early work day, the sound is probably more annoying. Although crickets aren’t known to be dangerous, they can cause costly damage to fabric surfaces or clothing in your home. Overall they are just…

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Make a Healthy New Year’s Resolution

    Right now, most of us are reflecting on the year that is passing, and looking forward to the new one in front of us. With every new year beginning, we make resolutions to improve the quality of life for ourselves and our loved ones. So for 2023, make a resolution that will really improve your health. It’s very simple really, clean more. Seems strange to say, but keeping a clean home will help your health by making your…

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Centipedes, I Hate These!

 Centipedes are the things nightmares are made of. Not only do they make our skin crawl and freak us out, they are dangerous too. Who among us didn’t cringe at that scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? I love that movie, but still close my eyes during that part. Depending on the specie, centipedes can range in size from under an inch to over 7 inches long. They can have as few pairs of legs as 15…

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Assassin Bugs in Wichita

    Are assassin bugs as awful as the name makes them sound? Absolutely! Assassin bug adults have narrow heads and wider abdomens. They are black (sometimes brown) with red or orange markings on them. The abdomen sides are flared upward may have a checkered pattern on them. They may lift the tip of the abdomen in the air while they walk or even at rest. This makes them look like their “butts” are in the air. This mimics stinging…

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