
When it comes to pests these ones are the most destructive in the U.S., causing damage well into the billions of dollars annually. Eastern Subterranean Termites are known for consuming wood, but will also feed on and damage almost anything that contains cellulose such as pages of books and other papers. The workers are not able to digest cellulose on their own and depend on microorganisms that reside in the workers termite’s stomach. To breakdown the cellulose into nutrients that…

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When it comes to pests these ones are the most destructive in the U.S., causing damage well into the billions of dollars annually. Eastern Subterranean Termites are known for consuming wood, but will also feed on and damage almost anything that contains cellulose such as pages of books and other papers. The workers are not able to digest cellulose on their own and depend on microorganisms that reside in the workers termite’s stomach. To breakdown the cellulose into nutrients that…

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Bald-Faced Hornets Vs. Yellow Jackets

When it comes to identifying pests, there can be some complications with getting the correct name to the face of the pest. This is especially difficult when it comes to Bald-Faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets. They look so similar and at times are difficult to tell the difference between them. To make sure you understand the difference between these two pests we are going to explain their appearance, behavior, diet, and even their habits. This way you can have a…

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The Difference Between Bald-Faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets

When it comes to identifying pests, there can be some complications with getting the correct name to the face of the pest. This is especially difficult when it comes to Badl-Faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets. They look so similar and at times are difficult to tell the difference between them. To make sure you understand the difference between these two pests we are going to explain their appearance, behavior, diet, and even their habits. This way you can have a…

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The Difference Between Bald-Faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets

When it comes to identifying pests, there can be some complications with getting the correct name to the face of the pest. This is especially difficult when it comes to Bald- Faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets. They look so similar and at times are difficult to tell the difference between them. To make sure you understand the difference between these two pests we are going to explain their appearance, behavior, diet, and even their habits. This way you can have…

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House Crickets

House crickets are the most common species of cricket found in the area and are yellowish brown in color and they have three bands going across their head.  They have strong large hind legs that they use for jumping, and wings that cover the abdomen of both the male and female. Adults can grow to be between ¾ and 7/8 of an inch in length. House crickets feed on plants, live insects, dead insects, clothing, and fabrics.  House crickets are…

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Box Elder Bugs

With spring approaching faster than we would like to admit it’s time to start preparing for some spring pests. One of the most common pests are box elders bugs. Box elder bugs are black in color and are marked with red lines along their thorax and sides. Their wings are flat and red, and they measure between 11 to 14 mm long. Box elder bugs do not nest indoors year-round. They make their homes in box elder, maple, and ash…

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Sings of German Cockroach Infestation

If you see a cockroach there’s a pretty good chance that it is a German cockroach. The German cockroach is known for their fast reproduction rate. With this being said they can easily wreak havoc on your home if you don’t take the right steps to get rid of them. Luckily you have All Star Pest Control to help with this situation. Our trained team has put together a guide to help you identify German cockroaches. This guide helps you…

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Pest Infestation in Wichita and Omaha

Most American’s aren’t aware how fast their home can become infested by pests. People think that you will notice signs right away. However, this is not the case. Pests can infest an entire house without even leaving a trace. Some signs usually aren’t noticeable until the infestation has become severe. For long-time infestations, it can become unrealistic to determine the age of the infestation by just observation. They need the support of introductions, feeding frequency, and treatment attempts come into…

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Winter Pests

When winter comes you may think that all of the insects are gone and your worries go away. This is not true, during the winter months insects will use your home as theirs. They will take any opportunity they are given to infest your home. Some of the insect you may start seeing are stink bugs, box elder bugs, beetles, ladybugs, bedbugs, and even termites. They are going to be looking for a warm place to call home for the…

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