Pests to Watch Out For This Spring

There are a lot of benefits to the weather warming up. You can spend more time outside, enjoy more activities, and get more Vitamin D. Unfortunately, the Wichita weather heating up also means quite a bit of bugs you need to look out for. Certain bugs are more likely to enter into your Wichita home as the weather heats up and the rain starts to fall. Cockroaches are one of the first pests you should look out for. Cockroaches enjoy…

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Little Known Facts About Bed Bugs

Little Known Facts About Bed Bugs Fact 1: Your foam mattress isn’t safe from bed bugs. While bed bugs can’t live in foam, they can stash themselves in any crevice that’s close to your body near your mattress, such as in the small cracks of your bed frame. Even though foam isn’t habitable for bed bugs, someone who’s sleeping on it is still vulnerable. In the past, Wichita residents believed that if they had a foam mattress they were safe…

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Cluster Fly Control Wichita

There is nothing worse than coming home and hearing an annoying buzz in your ear. In Wichita, Kansas we know this a little too well. These little annoyances are known as Cluster Flies. They are also known as attic flies. They measure 8 to 10 millimeters in length and have light and dark grey-checkered abdomens. These pests appear on the sunny side of the structure in late fall and early winter. They seek warm locations to live during the cold…

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Roof Rat Control in Kansas

With the winter months approaching in Wichita, Kansa we all know what this means. Our furry pests that have been living outside all winter are now going to try and come inside. When it comes to Roof Rats they are black or brown and can be over 40 cm long with a long tail, large ears, and large eyes. They also have a pointed nose and their body is smaller and sleeker than the Norway rat’s and their fur is…

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Pharaoh Ant Control Wichita

There is nothing worse than coming home and wanting to eat some of your sweets and realizing that Pharaoh Ants got to it first. These little pests can ruin anyone’s day pretty quick. They are only about 2mm long and have light yellow bodies with red and black markings on the abdomen. They tend to take advantage of artificial heating in buildings during the winters in order to survive. The infestations tend to occur in food service areas. They will…

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Acrobat Ant Extermination

Here in Wichita, Kansas we have some pets that we aren’t very fond of. Usually all of them but these ones are up there. They are the Acrobat Ant’s. They get their name from their habit of acrobatically raising their abdomen above their head, especially when they are disturbed. Most of them are less than 5.4 mm in length. They also can emit an unpleasant odor when disturbed. They are mostly found outdoors near moisture such as under stones, in…

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Wolf Spider Extermination

When it comes to some creepy furry crawlers Wichita, Kansas is known for the Wolf spiders. They are hairy arachnids that grow up to 35 mm in body length. Their bodies are commonly patterned in black, gray, and brown hues. They are quick which make them that much scarier so beware of that. The worst part about them is they are found in human dwellings. At times they are also confused for tarantulas. A positive part of them though is…

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House Spider Extermination

When it comes to spiders the most common one we run into is a house spider. In Wichita, Kansas we tend to see these more often than not. Females measure 5 to 8mm in length while males are only 4mm. They are usually brown or gray in color with dark chevron markings along their bodies. They are found in various places in the home including: windows, ceiling corners, and above or beneath fixtures. Our goal here at All Star Pest…

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Asian Tiger Mosquito

With the hot muggy summer months here, in Wichita, Kansas, we know that a lot of pests come out to play. Well we can’t forget about our mosquito friends that like to snack on us from time to time. The mosquito we are talking about in this post is the Asian Tiger Mosquito. They are black and white and usually measure 5mm in length. Their legs are striped black and white. The males tend to feed on nectar, however the…

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Yellow Fever Mosquito Extermination

In Wichita, Kansas we do have Yellow Fever Mosquitos. They are a small to medium sized mosquito. Anywhere between 4 to 7 mm. To the unaided eye the Yellow Fever Mosquito resemble the Asian tiger mosquito with a slight difference in size and thorax patterns. Yellow Fever Mosquitos tend to breed in unused flowerpots, spare tires, untreated swimming pools, and drainage ditches. They thrive in areas that are urbanized and in close contact with humans. This making them an exceptionally…

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